Socializing Your Puppy at Home

What is the one thing so many dog trainers recommend when you get a puppy?

Socialize, socialize, socialize!

But what exactly is socialization?

Socialization could be better explained as exposure.

It is all about novel experiences. 

Learning to problem solve, working through small amounts of stress, and preparing for the world that they are going to have to live in.

When should we be socializing our puppies? 

The key weeks of socialization are from birth to 16 weeks of age. The essential times being from 3 weeks to 13 weeks,

Reputable breeders will oftentimes start early neurological stimulation (ENS) with their puppies at only a couple weeks of age. 

ENS is used to expose puppies to new smells, textures, and small amounts of controlled stress. 

By exposing puppies to this low, controlled stress at a young age we are stimulating their neurological systems.

What benefits does this have in the long run for the puppy? 

It can help improve the development and growth of the puppies' cardiovascular and immune system, as well as build their stress tolerance as they get older. This helps your puppy grow into a dog who can work through real life stress instead of shutting down or acting out.

“But what if my puppy isn’t up to date on their shots?”

Although you will need to find ways to safely take your puppy into public places to socialize, you can do socialization at home as well!

If you are going into public to socialize, avoid areas frequently occupied by dogs. Stay in the car and let your puppy watch, get them a wagon to ride around in, or if they are small enough you could even carry them.

Once they are up to date and no longer at risk of exposure, then we can get more flexible on allowing them on the ground.

What are some ways you can socialize at home?

1. Set up puppy safe obstacles to have your puppy work through or play in. You can use toys or food to encourage your puppy to explore the obstacle you’ve set up.

An obstacle could be:

  • A ball pit

  • A kiddie pool with plastic bottles

  • A ladder laid flat on its side

  • Stairs

  • Plastic tunnel

  • Kibble under a pace cot

2. Expose your puppy to different textures and footing.

  • Hard floors

  • Carpet

  • Bubble wrap

  • Cardboard

  • Metal

  • Wobble board

3.Play random sounds through your phone or tv to help desensitize your puppy to them.

  • Dog barking

  • Cars honking

  • Fireworks

  • Knocking on door

  • Door bell

4. Play with different parts of your puppies body such as their feet, mouth, ears, tail, and genitals. This helps prepare them for vet and grooming visits in the future,

5. Dress up randomly to expose your puppy to different (and weird) outfits.

  • Face mask

  • Halloween costume

  • Different hats and beanies

  • Sunglasses

  • Large jackets

6. Scattering out their kibble while vacuuming or sweeping for short periods of time.

You can get as creative as you would like when it comes to socialization. The key is taking it at your puppies pace and making it rewarding!


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